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Getting to know Cookies

Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your browser by the website visited or the application used. They allow the Website to remember certain information, such as your preferred language, your browser preferences and other settings. Cookies play an important role in the use of the site and the optimisation of your experience as User. Besides, certain Cookies serve the purpose of analysing your behaviour and offering you advertisements that are of your interest.

Your consent

This Website is operated by R. KARAMCHAND, S.L. (hereinafter, Lavina Peswani). Access to the Website entails the installation of Cookies on your terminal server. Upon access to the Website for the first time, Lavina Peswani will offer you information regarding the Cookies that are about to be installed on your terminal server and will request your consent to proceed to such installation. Should you not consent to the installation of the Cookies, the Website may not operate properly or you may not have access to some of its features.

The aforementioned consent may be withdrawn at any time by disabling the Cookies through the mechanism available on your specific browser. Please find below the links to the official websites of the main existing browsers where all the necessary information to turn off, delete or manage Cookies from your terminal server is available. Should any of the links not be operational and/or should you have any query related to how Cookies work or how to manage them, please send an email at this email address: info@lavinapeswani.com.

Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en-GB
Opera: https://blogs.opera.com/news/2015/08/how-to-manage-cookies-in-opera/
Safari,Apple: https://support.apple.com/es-es/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-website-data-sfri11471/mac
InternetExplorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies

Our Cookies

Lavina Peswani uses different Cookies in the Website. Consequently, Lavina Peswani has prepared a classification of Cookies, sorted according to a series of criteria, that is provided below:

Based on the service provider:
1. Own Cookies:
These Cookies are sent to the User’s terminal server from a computer or domain managed by Lavina Peswani.
2. Third-party Cookies:
These Cookies are sent to the User’s terminal server from a computer or domain that is not managed by Lavina Peswani, but by a third-party entity that processes the data collected through Cookies.

Based on the purpose of the Cookies:
1. Technical Cookies:
These Cookies allow the User to browse the Website, platform or application, using different options and settings of the Website. Through these Cookies the Website responsible is able to, amongst others, control traffic, identify the User’s session, allow the User to access restricted areas, allow the User to place their orders, ensure the security of the Website, or allow a registered User to be identified in their session.
2. Customisation Cookies:
These Cookies allow the User to access the Website with predefined settings such as, amongst others, language, region or wish list, based on the User’s previous browsing activity.
3. Analytical Cookies:
These Cookies allow the person responsible therefor to track and analyse the User’s browsing through the Website. By means of these Cookies it is possible to quantify the number of Users who access the Website, as well as to perform measuring and statistical analysis of the Users’ activity while they browse the Website.

A list of the types of Cookies used by Lavina Peswani on the Website is provided below:


Cookie type

Privacy policy

Own/Lavina Peswani Technical Lavina Peswani Privacy Policy
Third-party/Automatic Inc./WooCommerce Customisation Automatic Inc. Privacy Policy
Thid-party/Google Inc./Google Analytics Analytical Google Inc. Privacy Policy
We use cookies to improve user experience on our website. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept its use cookies policy.